Make sure you ssh into snowmane using the -X flag. Note it is a capital letter ‘X’

ssh -X`

Pre-requisite Knowledge

At a minimum you should know how to navigate a *nix file system without a graphical user interface (GUI). This means, a knowledge of the following *nix commands:

  • pwd : to print the current working directory (aka, where am i now)
  • cd : to change directories
  • ls : to list the contents of the current directory
  • mkdir : create a new folder
  • mv : to move files/folders
  • cp : to copy files/folders
  • nano : to do basic file edits

If you need a refresher. The first 3 lessons in the Software Carpentry Unix Shell should be all you need.


Make sure you have a code folder in your home directory. You can create one by typing:

cd ~
mkdir code

Installing Python

make sure you get the latest Python 3 version of Anaconda here. At the time of writing this wiki, the version of Anaconda for Python 3 is

Install Anaconda: cd ~/code wget bash If it prompts you keep saying yes and/or hit Enter on your keyboard.

At the end of the installation if you type which python it should direct you to ~/anaconda3/bin/python

Installing/Updating MANN

The multi-agent-neural-network (mann) python package can be found here. However it should already be on in snowmane in the following directory:


you can get to this directory by typing:

cd /home/sdal/mann/data/git/multi-agent-neural-network

when you are in the mann directory, to install it (or any updates) run python install to install the python module

Installing LENS

The official lens documentation can be found here

There is an shell script to install lens in the mann directory. Run the script to install LENS


after you install LENS, you can see if your installation worked by typing lens in the terminal

If that works, save the lens variables in your .bashrc file.

cd ~
nano .bashrc

save the following lines to the bottom of the file:

export LENSDIR=~/code/Lens      # or wherever Lens is installed
export HOSTTYPE=x86_64-linux    # same as above during make