author: “Aaron D. Schroeder” description: Takes treatment data that is in long-format, transforms and casts the data to wide-format, then finds all consecutive-month treatment runs (spells).

1. Add Libraries and Import Data

Sample data includes client id and service/treatment date.

library(reshape2)                                                    # Load reshape2 library
reshapeData <- read.csv("R dosage test data.csv")                     # Import csv data
##    clientid servicedate
## 1  Client A      1/1/14
## 2  Client A      2/1/14
## 3  Client A      3/1/14
## 4  Client A      5/1/14
## 5  Client B      2/1/14
## 6  Client B      3/1/14
## 7  Client B      4/1/14
## 8  Client B      6/1/14
## 9  Client B      7/1/14
## 10 Client C      1/1/14
## 11 Client C      2/1/14
## 12 Client C      5/1/14
## 13 Client C      7/1/14

2. Create New Transposed Data Frame

Transform service date into month_year. Add a received column to be used in the cast step to show months receiving service.

clientid <- reshapeData$clientid                                       # Create vectors for new df
monthYear <- format(as.Date(reshapeData$servicedate, "%m/%d/%y"), "%m_%Y")
received <- ifelse(!is.null(reshapeData$servicedate), 1, 0)
newDF <- data.frame(clientid, monthYear, received)                           # Create data frame
##    clientid monthYear received
## 1  Client A   01_2014        1
## 2  Client A   02_2014        1
## 3  Client A   03_2014        1
## 4  Client A   05_2014        1
## 5  Client B   02_2014        1
## 6  Client B   03_2014        1
## 7  Client B   04_2014        1
## 8  Client B   06_2014        1
## 9  Client B   07_2014        1
## 10 Client C   01_2014        1
## 11 Client C   02_2014        1
## 12 Client C   05_2014        1
## 13 Client C   07_2014        1

3. Cast to wide data frame

Creates a single row per client id with “1” indicating service received, otherwise “0”.

castDF <- dcast(newDF, clientid ~ monthYear, value.var="received", fill="0") # Reshape df with dcast
##   clientid 01_2014 02_2014 03_2014 04_2014 05_2014 06_2014 07_2014
## 1 Client A       1       1       1       0       1       0       0
## 2 Client B       0       1       1       1       0       1       1
## 3 Client C       1       1       0       0       1       0       1

4. Build data frame to be filled

Include columns for spell count, spell lengths (a comma delimited string of spell lengths), max spell length, and min spell length.

vars <- c("spell count", "spell lengths (mos)", "max spell length", "min spell length")                                    # Build vector (column)
finalDF <- data.frame(vars)                                            # Add vector (column) to df

5. Get all runs (dosage spells) per id

Loops through wide data frame and uses the R Run Length Encoding (RLE) function to get runs of consecutive integers (in this case “1”). Would be faster using vectorization but looping is easier to understand and generally fast enough.

for (i in 1:NROW(castDF) ) {
  currentRow <- castDF[i,]                                           # Get row i from wide data frame
  currentId <- currentRow[[1]]                                       # Get client id from row i
  runs <- rle(currentRow)                                            # Use RLE to get run lengths
  lengths <- sort(as.character(runs$length[runs$values == 1]))       # Get and sort runs with value 1
  numspells <- length(lengths)                                       # Length of vector
  maxspell <- tail(lengths, n=1)                                     # Last item in vector
  minspell <- lengths[1]                                             # First item in vector
  finalDF[as.character(currentId)] <- NA                             # Create new df column
  newVector <- c(numspells, toString(lengths), maxspell, minspell)   # Create new values vector
  finalDF[[as.character(currentId)]] <- newVector                    # Add vector to finalDF

Final dosage spells data frame

##                  vars Client A Client B Client C
## 1         spell count        2        2        3
## 2 spell lengths (mos)     1, 3     2, 3  1, 1, 2
## 3    max spell length        3        3        2
## 4    min spell length        1        2        1